
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Embracing Diversity, March 11, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
A People Planted is a 10 week series looking at integral aspects of living out God’s mission in our time and in this place. By looking at the life of Daniel and the exile to Babylon together we’ll learn about living at the intersection of God’s plan & our troubled times. We'll dig into truths about our culture, the gospel, our beliefs and our conduct with the hope of being further equipped to live as faithful missionaries in a world that increasingly wants nothing to do with the God of the Bible.
What should we believe? Who do we need to be? What does it look like to faithfully follow Jesus on mission in St. Pete? We’ll cover these questions and more as we ask God to make us A People Planted in our city for his glory.
About Stonehouse Church
We are Christ followers devoted to making much of Jesus and welcoming all into true community as we extend the love of God to a broken world. No matter who you are or where you've been you are welcome here with your faith, your fears, your doubts, and your questions. As a church we want nothing more than to repeat the call of Jesus for all to come and know him.
Location: Police Athlectic League. 1450 16th St. N St. Petersburg, FL
Service time: 10:30am Sundays
Website: stonehousefl.org

Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Seeking Justice, James 2:1-13. March 4, 2018
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
A People Planted is a 10 week series looking at integral aspects of living out God’s mission in our time and in this place. By looking at the life of Daniel and the exile to Babylon together we’ll learn about living at the intersection of God’s plan & our troubled times. We'll dig into truths about our culture, the gospel, our beliefs and our conduct with the hope of being further equipped to live as faithful missionaries in a world that increasingly wants nothing to do with the God of the Bible.
What should we believe? Who do we need to be? What does it look like to faithfully follow Jesus on mission in St. Pete? We’ll cover these questions and more as we ask God to make us A People Planted in our city for his glory.
About Stonehouse Church
We are Christ followers devoted to making much of Jesus and welcoming all into true community as we extend the love of God to a broken world. No matter who you are or where you've been you are welcome here with your faith, your fears, your doubts, and your questions. As a church we want nothing more than to repeat the call of Jesus for all to come and know him.
Location: Police Athlectic League. 1450 16th St. N St. Petersburg, FL
Service time: 10:30am Sundays
Website: stonehousefl.org

Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Healing Hands, Jude 17-25, Feb 25, 2018
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
A People Planted is a 10 week series looking at integral aspects of living out God’s mission in our time and in this place. By looking at the life of Daniel and the exile to Babylon together we’ll learn about living at the intersection of God’s plan & our troubled times. We'll dig into truths about our culture, the gospel, our beliefs and our conduct with the hope of being further equipped to live as faithful missionaries in a world that increasingly wants nothing to do with the God of the Bible.
What should we believe? Who do we need to be? What does it look like to faithfully follow Jesus on mission in St. Pete? We’ll cover these questions and more as we ask God to make us A People Planted in our city for his glory.
About Stonehouse Church
We are Christ followers devoted to making much of Jesus and welcoming all into true community as we extend the love of God to a broken world. No matter who you are or where you've been you are welcome here with your faith, your fears, your doubts, and your questions. As a church we want nothing more than to repeat the call of Jesus for all to come and know him.
Location: 912 Central Ave. 3rd Floor. St Petersburg, FL 33705
Service time: 10:30am Sundays
Website: stonehousefl.org

Friday Feb 23, 2018
Prayer, Daniel 9:1-5, 21-23, Feb 18, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Series: A People Planted
Date: Feb 18, 2018
A People Planted is a 10 week series looking at integral aspects of living out God’s mission in our time and in this place. By looking at the life of Daniel and the exile to Babylon together we’ll learn about living at the intersection of God’s plan & our troubled times. We'll dig into truths about our culture, the gospel, our beliefs and our conduct with the hope of being further equipped to live as faithful missionaries in a world that increasingly wants nothing to do with the God of the Bible.
What should we believe? Who do we need to be? What does it look like to faithfully follow Jesus on mission in St. Pete? We’ll cover these questions and more as we ask God to make us A People Planted in our city for his glory.
About Stonehouse Church
We are Christ followers devoted to making much of Jesus and welcoming all into true community as we extend the love of God to a broken world. No matter who you are or where you've been you are welcome here with your faith, your fears, your doubts, and your questions. As a church we want nothing more than to repeat the call of Jesus for all to come and know him.
Location: 912 Central Ave. 3rd Floor. St Petersburg, FL 33705
Service time: 10:30am Sundays
Website: stonehousefl.org

Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Humility & Courage, Engaging The Mission, Jan 28, 2017
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Series: A People Planted
Date: Jan 28, 2018
A People Planted is a 10 week series looking at integral aspects of living out God’s mission in our time and in this place. By looking at the life of Daniel and the exile to Babylon together we’ll learn about living at the intersection of God’s plan & our troubled times. We'll dig into truths about our culture, the gospel, our beliefs and our conduct with the hope of being further equipped to live as faithful missionaries in a world that increasingly wants nothing to do with the God of the Bible.
What should we believe? Who do we need to be? What does it look like to faithfully follow Jesus on mission in St. Pete? We’ll cover these questions and more as we ask God to make us A People Planted in our city for his glory.
About Stonehouse Church
We are Christ followers devoted to making much of Jesus and welcoming all into true community as we extend the love of God to a broken world. No matter who you are or where you've been you are welcome here with your faith, your fears, your doubts, and your questions. As a church we want nothing more than to repeat the call of Jesus for all to come and know him.
Location: 912 Central Ave. 3rd Floor. St Petersburg, FL 33705
Service time: 10:30am Sundays
Website: stonehousefl.org

Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Our Cultural Setting, Jan 21, 2018
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Series: A People Planted
Date: Jan 21, 2018
A People Planted is a 10 week series looking at integral aspects of living out God’s mission in our time and in this place. By looking at the life of Daniel and the exile to Babylon together we’ll learn about living at the intersection of God’s plan & our troubled times. We'll dig into truths about our culture, the gospel, our beliefs and our conduct with the hope of being further equipped to live as faithful missionaries in a world that increasingly wants nothing to do with the God of the Bible.
What should we believe? Who do we need to be? What does it look like to faithfully follow Jesus on mission in St. Pete? We’ll cover these questions and more as we ask God to make us A People Planted in our city for his glory.
About Stonehouse Church
We are Christ followers devoted to making much of Jesus and welcoming all into true community as we extend the love of God to a broken world. No matter who you are or where you've been you are welcome here with your faith, your fears, your doubts, and your questions. As a church we want nothing more than to repeat the call of Jesus for all to come and know him.
Location: 912 Central Ave. 3rd Floor. St Petersburg, FL 33705
Service time: 10:30am Sundays
Website: stonehousefl.org

Thursday Jan 18, 2018
The Story We Find Ourselves In, Daniel 1:1-7, Jan 14, 2018
Thursday Jan 18, 2018
Thursday Jan 18, 2018
Series: A People Planted
Date: Jan 14, 2018
A People Planted is a 10 week series looking at integral aspects of living out God’s mission in our time and in this place. By looking at the life of Daniel and the exile to Babylon together we’ll learn about living at the intersection of God’s plan & our troubled times. We'll dig into truths about our culture, the gospel, our beliefs and our conduct with the hope of being further equipped to live as faithful missionaries in a world that increasingly wants nothing to do with the God of the Bible.
What should we believe? Who do we need to be? What does it look like to faithfully follow Jesus on mission in St. Pete? We’ll cover these questions and more as we ask God to make us A People Planted in our city for his glory.
Daniel 1:1-7
In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with some of the vessels of the house of God. And he brought them to the land of Shinar, to the house of his god, and placed the vessels in the treasury of his god. Then the king commanded Ashpenaz, his chief eunuch, to bring some of the people of Israel, both of the royal family and of the nobility, youths without blemish, of good appearance and skillful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding learning, and competent to stand in the king's palace, and to teach them the literature and language of the Chaldeans. The king assigned them a daily portion of the food that the king ate, and of the wine that he drank. They were to be educated for three years, and at the end of that time they were to stand before the king. Among these were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah of the tribe of Judah. And the chief of the eunuchs gave them names: Daniel he called Belteshazzar, Hananiah he called Shadrach, Mishael he called Meshach, and Azariah he called Abednego.
About Stonehouse Church
We are Christ followers devoted to making much of Jesus and welcoming all into true community as we extend the love of God to a broken world. No matter who you are or where you've been you are welcome here with your faith, your fears, your doubts, and your questions. As a church we want nothing more than to repeat the call of Jesus for all to come and know him.
Location: 912 Central Ave. 3rd Floor. St Petersburg, FL 33705
Service time: 10:30am Sundays
Website: stonehousefl.org

Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Psalm 134, Jan 7 2018
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Series: A Disciple's Songbook
Date: Jan 7, 2018
About Stonehouse Church
We are Christ followers devoted to making much of Jesus and welcoming all into true community as we extend the love of God to a broken world. No matter who you are or where you've been you are welcome here with your faith, your fears, your doubts, and your questions. As a church we want nothing more than to repeat the call of Jesus for all to come and know him.
Location: 912 Central Ave. 3rd Floor. St Petersburg, FL 33705
Service time: 10:30am Sundays
Website: stonehousefl.org

Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Psalm 133, Dec 31 2017
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Series: A Disciple's Songbook
Date: Dec 31, 2017
About Stonehouse Church
We are Christ followers devoted to making much of Jesus and welcoming all into true community as we extend the love of God to a broken world. No matter who you are or where you've been you are welcome here with your faith, your fears, your doubts, and your questions. As a church we want nothing more than to repeat the call of Jesus for all to come and know him.
Location: 912 Central Ave. 3rd Floor. St Petersburg, FL 33705
Service time: 10:30am Sundays
Website: stonehousefl.org

Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Luke 2:13-14 The Angel's Song, Dec 17, 2017
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Series: The Weary World Rejoices
Date: Dec 17, 2017
About Stonehouse Church
We are Christ followers devoted to making much of Jesus and welcoming all into true community as we extend the love of God to a broken world. No matter who you are or where you've been you are welcome here with your faith, your fears, your doubts, and your questions. As a church we want nothing more than to repeat the call of Jesus for all to come and know him.
Location: 912 Central Ave. 3rd Floor. St Petersburg, FL 33705
Service time: 10:30am Sundays
Website: stonehousefl.org